產品索引 BGA返修系統 / 焊錫 / 除錫用品 (Soldering / Desoldering) 焊錫作業輔助工具 (Soldering Assistance Products) BS-2 烙鐵頭再生研磨劑(Tip Refersher) How to use: Optimum tip temperature for refreshing the tip is from300-360℃. Dip the tip in the Tip Refresher. Apply solder to the tip and then clean completely eith the sponge on the soldering iron stand. Apply solder to the tip again. The tip is now tinned and wetting is restored. If the tip is still not wetting properly, repeat steps 2 and 3 above. 請寫下你對於產品的建議然後點擊 加入詢價清單 以詢價 加入詢價清單 查看詢價清單 返回