產品索引 BGA返修系統 / 焊錫 / 除錫用品 (Soldering / Desoldering) 焊錫爐 POT-100C/350C 方形錫爐(Solder Pot) Dual digital display provide temp. setting value and measured value visually. PID control system enables deviation odf solder temperature and setting temperature to be minimized. No need to monitor the temperature. Excellent accuracy of setting value and measured value at very minimal tolerance as ±{(displayed value * 1.25%)+1℃} Buit-in warning lamp to detect beyond the upper and lower limit temperature range. Adopted sheathed heater. ( POT-350C ) Stainless steel solder pot with superior durability and corrosion resistance. Separated structure of solder pot and heater allow simple replacement of each part. ( POT-100C , POT-200C ) Replacement parts:Heater, Solder pot, Sensor and Heat insulation board. NOTE:Do not use lead-free solder for the POT-350C. 請寫下你對於產品的建議然後點擊 加入詢價清單 以詢價 加入詢價清單 查看詢價清單 返回