• 手握式起子,適合長時間操作也不會疲憊。
      Grip from without fatigued with a long time work.
    • 本體輕巧短小,操作簡便,空轉時聲音順暢,觸覺靈敏。
      Light and short, easily operated and favorable sound and touch sensibility at idly rotation.
    • 一旦設定好所需要之扭力值,以同樣的方式人人均可操作使用。
      Set at required torque value and tightened, everyone can tighten in the same way.
    • 若達到特定之扭力時,離合器會自動解除並呈空轉狀態,因為有此裝置故可避免扭力過緊。
      Attained at specified torque, the clutch is released automatically and idly rotated, therefore this action prevents excessively tightening.
    • 另附有十字型與一字型之起子頭各1支。
      (+) and (-) bit 1 pc, respectively are attached.
    • 左、右轉均適用。
      Used for both left and right turns.
    • 最高精確度:±3%與1刻度值。
      Max. accuracy ±3% and 1 scale assured.



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